Time for Review

Time for Review

People come to me for 3 reasons:

  • To get clarity on what they really want.
  • To get strategies and support for what they really want.
  • To assess how they are progressing toward achieving what they really want.

The last one is trickier and often overlooked – and maybe the most important skill for success:  The 6 Month Review!   As we are hitting the halfway mark in what seems to be yet another uncertain year, it’s more important than ever that we take a quick assessment of where we are and evaluate what is truly our next step.   

From my experience, the reasons we don’t do this are simple – you may be:

DISCONNECTED:  When asked what their top 3 goals are for this year, 23% didn’t know after January.  

DISTRACTED:   There’s just so much to do, so many things ringing and alerting!  Things are moving too fast. You may feel out of control and do NOT feel you have the time to evaluate.

DISENCHANTED:  You tried things that didn’t work and gave up.  You didn’t track results to see why or how with just a few shifts, you could have accomplished more than you thought.  Why evaluate when things went wrong? (Actually, it’s the best time!)

In fact, most of us ARE ACCOMPLISHING FAR MORE THAN WE THINK, but how would you ever know if you don’t review?

What solves this problem?  Periodic reviews, Feedback so we don’t give up too soon, and Accountability to make sure you remember everything you need to do to succeed.  That’s what we do to keep our clients fired up!!   Really caring for each other doesn’t hurt either.  If you want to start with a short super simple and fast “Fired Up for Success Review Form” that only consists of a very few questions that may help you get clear pretty fast, here is my gift to you!

It’s 100% free, but always love to hear if you learned anything…or have any other questions. 



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