When Will Life Be Normal – Like 2019?

When Will Life Be Normal – Like 2019?

It’s just past Labor Day, and we’re ramping the last quarter of a very confusing year.  If you’re concerned that it doesn’t feel like past years, you may unconsciously be living your life like it’s still 2019.

But truth is most of us may feel we aren’t ever going be comfortable in over-sold stadiums, massive crowds or even a tight elevator.  Some people have found masks helpful in controlling allergies and other flus besides Covid. In other words, some of us  have experienced some permanent unexpected shifts in our psyche.

I recently celebrated an anniversary with a friend and asked if she wanted to go back to a place we had been to before. Surprisingly, she replied emphatically, “Oh, not at all. We’ve already been there. Let’s go someplace that doesn’t represent where we’ve been, but where we’re going.”

How often, I thought, have I chosen to go back to the same place because I am familiar with it? The process of choosing a new meeting place with my friend became a larger metaphor for life and my resistance to change.

What represents the future to you? This is a very different question from “What worked in 2019?” After all, in this new world, almost nothing works like it did before. We are forced to give up a lot of old ideas and fill in with something very different. What is that for you?  How can you make this new environment a positive force for you and those around you?

We have learned many new skills as a result of the Pandemic – whether you are 8 or 80 – you can pretty much go on Zoom.  My 3- year old God daughter lives in Germany and we can have a relationship just because of Zoom.  It’s been great to be able stay connected to clients, my networking group and family.  And we learned a new word: Pivot!

We cannot do it like we did before on a myriad of levels. What went before is over. It’s not going to “go back.”  (And that’s devastating to many of us.) The real issue is “What are you going to do NOW!” Your clients, bosses and colleagues have new needs; how are you going to use your passions, talents and new ideas to meet these needs? Therein lies the seed to your success and happiness. These are the questions we all need to ask ourselves at various junctures in our life, no matter what changes the world has seen.

One of the old ideas is that you can do it on your own. That rugged individualistic ethic came over with the pilgrims who, by the way, did nothing alone. They were entirely a community-based society. Community works because you need ideas that are not yours! I know my mind automatically takes me back to “where I’ve already been.” It’s trained to do that. Without new input, I only know how to do old things. (That’s one of the many reasons why our Mastermind community works so well.) Community gives you resources and feedback you would never have on your own.

P.S:  How are you letting go of the old way of doing things which may actually be hurting you, your career and your business? How can you re-engineer yourself to meet today’s needs? If you want a fresh strategy, see if there is space on my calendar at https://bookedin.com/book/fired-up-for-success and I’d be happy to hear what you need.

When I thought about what my friend had said, I did some soul searching and realized  I wanted to go in the direction of more laughter, fun and freedom, along with some risk and adventure…and maybe some just plain childhood fantasy.

So where did I go with my friend? Disneyland!  What are YOU doing that’s a new path for you?

Or write me at mlm@firedupforsuccess.com for a chat.


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