As we gear up for the holidays, and race to deal with Amazon, UPS, and hours of related shopping, choosing, packaging, wrapping, shipping and so forth, thoughts are often focused on everything we want to give our families and friends.
Oddly, many of us are better givers than receivers. Because when you’re GIVING, you are the one in control.
RECEIVING is an act of vulnerability and letting go of control. That’s often much harder.
But backing off from receiving limits our ability to receive support, love, pleasure, and, (oh by the way,) MONEY!! It restricts our relationships, our prosperity and our success. You can’t close down your Receiving Channel for just specific things because when you close it, you block out everything.
Think of the simple act of a compliment. Have you ever minimized it? (“Oh, I really didn’t do that much”); negate it (“It was nothing, you did so much more”); or verbally argue to avoid receiving the compliment (“Please, you don’t have to say that – I didn’t do anything.”) If you have ever done this, you are shutting down your Receiving Channel.
Saying thank you and allowing yourself to feel the feelings as you take it in, as uncomfortable as it may make you, is actually more productive. Most of us are doing more than enough to make money; we just have closed down our receiving muscles.
You are a magnificent being with an unlimited capacity for happiness and success. How can you open yourself more to receive of THAT this season?