Does Goal Setting Really Work?

Does Goal Setting Really Work?

Happy New Year!  I know you want to make this the best year possible so as you ramp up your new year with some bright shiny new goals, here are some stats to ponder:  

Ohio State University Fisher College of Business research study found:

  • Only 9% of goals made in January are achieved by years end.
  • And 43% of resolutions are broken by end of the first month.

Yikes!  There must be a better way to move forward.

There is.  As most of you know, for many years now I have been teaching a very different visioning process which has not only changed my life, but has also produced remarkable results for many of my clients.

Best of all, it’s super fun.

Also, progress, not perfection, counts.  

We just did an annual evaluation process, and all the participants made significant progress in this past year.   We have a ton of stories, and I want to share some.

Want to know more?  Join me Tuesday, January 16 as a LIVE zoom workshop for only 90 minutes.   No long hours or 3-day event.  This is for busy people who want to do the work in the workshop and get the process fast.  

This is a WORKSHOP, not a webinar.

Check it out, and if you haven’t registered yet, do it now!!  Love to see you.


Get started here today:


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